  • Next CM Sindh will be from PSP, Mustafa Kamal Claims

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    • Published in Sindh
    Mustafa Kamal File Photo Mustafa Kamal

    Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) Chairman Mustafa Kamal asserted on Friday that injustice was done during census process in Karachi.

    Speaking to media outside Supreme Court, Kamal maintained that their petition pertaining to census issue has been accepted for hearing.

    “There are problems in the census issue. The apex court has also accepted it. Former Sindh CM should have raised the matter but he silently signed the paper. The population of Lahore is being increased by three percent annually,” maintained the PSP chief.

    Mustafa Kamal claimed that they will bring forward the Chief Minister from PSP or the one backed by their party after general elections.

    “You cannot practice politics in Karachi by establishing a fort. Hatred was being spread on the basis of language but now no bloodshed will occur in Karachi. MQM should issue list of their criminal members,” said Kamal.

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