  • Top military brass reiterates 'resolve to thwart any threat to Pakistan’s security'

    Top military brass reiterates 'resolve to thwart any threat to Pakistan’s security' File Photo Top military brass reiterates 'resolve to thwart any threat to Pakistan’s security'

    Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa, while presiding the 233rd Corps Commanders’ Conference, reaffirmed the resolve to thwart any threat to the country's security and expressed complete satisfaction with overall operational readiness of Pakistan Army.

    During the conference held at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi on Tuesday, the forum reviewed operational readiness and evolving threat spectrum in the context of external and internal security of the country.

    Complimenting the efforts put in by all formations to maintain a high level of combat readiness particularly in the wake of evolving regional security situation, the CAOS took special notice of the continued atrocities in Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK) as illegal actions of August 5, 2019, complete one year next month.

    "[The] forum paid tribute to brave Kashmiris for their legitimate struggle for freedom," read the tweet posted by military's media wing, Inter-services Public Relations (ISPR).

    Tensions remain high in the disputed Himalayan region after New Delhi's controversial decision last year to revoke the territory's decades-old semi-autonomous status.

    The valley, which has been under a curfew since August 5, remains cut off from the rest of the world due to the continued blockade and suspension of internet, mobile and landline phones, and closure of TV channels.

    A humanitarian crisis has been looming in the valley as people face an acute shortage of food, medicines, and other commodities.

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