  • PM Khan, Saudi Crown Prince agree to to further boost bilateral ties

    PM Khan, Saudi Crown Prince agree to to further boost bilateral ties File Photo PM Khan, Saudi Crown Prince agree to to further boost bilateral ties

    Prime Minister Imran Khan telephoned Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz and thanked him for his efforts and support to Pakistan and its interests.

    During the telephonic conversation, the Prime Minister stressed that the developing relations with Saudi Arabia is a top priority of his country.

    Imran Khan described Saudi Arabia as a friend that Pakistan trusts.

    He said that his country cannot forget Saudi Arabia's constant standing in all adversities and difficult times.

    In response, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman praised the distinguished relations between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

    He also lauded the efforts of the two countries to strengthen and develop these relations in diverse fields.

    He also expressed the keenness of Saudi leadership to support Pakistan in all fields.

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