  • Suicide bomber targets students in Kabul, killing 32

    Suicide bomber targets students in Kabul, killing 32 File Photo Suicide bomber targets students in Kabul, killing 32

    At least 32 people were killed when a suicide attacker struck an education centre in Kabul Wednesday, officials said, the latest assault in Afghanistan´s war-weary capital.

    "We can confirm the attack was caused by a suicide bomber on foot. The bomber detonated himself inside the education centre," police spokesman Hashmat Stanikzai said.

    The spokesmen for the interior ministry and health ministries confirmed that at least 32 people were killed and 35 injured.

    There was no immediately claim of responsibility for the attack. The Taliban quickly denied they were involved.

    Afghanistan has been reeling from a recent upsurge in militant violence, including a massive, days-long Taliban onslaught on the eastern city of Ghazni.


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