  • Faiz Hameed earned most money in £190m case: Faisal Vawda

    Faisal Vawda File Photo Faisal Vawda

    Former PTI leader Faisal VWada says that in the cabinet meeting I said that 190 million pounds is NAB's case, Fawad Chaudhry and Shireen Mazari supported me and opposed it. He said that Imran Khan and Shahzad Akbar will be in the 190 million pound case, but Faiz Hameed has earned the most money.

    Former PTI leader and federal minister Faisal Vwada while talking to the media on the occasion of NAB appearance said that I was summoned in the 190 million pound case, often politicians are involved in such cases.

    He said that I had already said that when I start, I will go from Bhalpur to Quetta, everyone's name is coming in it, but forgot one name, Faiz Hameed.

    He further said that Faiz Hameed has benefited the most from it, as per policy Faiz Hameed is the most involved in it, today Pakistan has reached the point where its survival is being discussed.

    He said that Shahzad Akbar will be responsible for it, but Faiz Hameed took full advantage of this scandal. Faiz Hameed's remains are also present in the Senate.

    He said that Imran Khan narrated the philosophy and stood up but he backed away, those who made my news are now the news itself.

    I tried to save Imran Khan but no one listened, Pakistan lost in all that happened, everyone will be held accountable whether they are politicians or bureaucrats. I have placed the first step of corruption in front of the nation.


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